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Current Fiscal Year Projects

Land in the east side of the City

Here are the Capital Improvement Projects for 2021.

  • Guardrail Upgrades
    This project will provide upgrades to existing guardrails at 20 locations citywide to comply with current standards. Funding is provided by the Highway Safety Program (HSIP) Cycle 8. The project will improve public safety by improving the performance of the guardrail systems.
  • Indian Street / Cardinal Avenue Bridge (Over Lateral A)
    This project will provide a new bridge on Indian Street over flood control Channel Lateral A (at Cardinal Avenue) and approximately 600 feet of associated roadway improvements on Indian Street north of the bridge. The bridge and roadway improvements will complete the connection of Indian Street north of the channel to south of the channel.
  • Juan Bautista de Anza Multi-Use Trail Project from the Moreno Valley Mall to Lake Perris State Park
    The City received federal monies to develop a comprehensive plan along the entire existing Aqueduct Trail route. In 2015, City Council adopted a resolution to rename the Aqueduct Trail the "Juan Bautista de Anza Trail." This project has received three grants under the Active Transportation Program (ATPs 2, 3, and 4) providing full funding for design and construction for the entire trail.
  • Moreno Master Drainage Plan Line F-18 and Line F-19
    This project will install Storm Drain Lines F-18 and F-19 in Moreno Townsite Area. Line F-18 is in Alessandro Boulevard between Redlands Boulevard and Merwin Street. Line F-19 is in Brodiaea Avenue between Redlands Boulevard and Merwin Street. These two storm drains are to be connected to the existing storm drain Line F-2 running north-south along Redlands Boulevard. The proposed storm drains are to mitigate flooding for the Moreno Townsite Area.
  • Moreno Master Drainage Plan Storm Drain Line K-1 Stage 3 and Line K-4
    This project will install a storm drain system in Locust Avenue, Carrie Lane, Kalmia Avenue, and Pettit Street to mitigate flooding for the San Timoteo Foothill Neighborhood area.
  • South Lasselle Street Safety Corridor
    The City received funding to improve Lasselle Street between south City limits and College Drive to reduce collisions. The work entails providing a high-friction surface treatment near Rancho Verde High School, and traffic signal upgrades. The project will reduce run-off-road collisions and discourage speeding in low volume conditions.
  • SR-60 / Moreno Beach Drive (Phase 2)
    This project will replace the SR-60 / Moreno Beach two-lane bridge with a seven lane bridge, reconfigure the north side of the interchange, and add a west bound auxiliary lane. The interchange will have a cloverleaf in the northeast quadrant and a dedicated southbound Moreno Beach Drive to westbound SR-60 on-ramp. The eastbound ramp terminals will be raised to meet the new grade of the bridge. A portion of Storm Drain Line K-1 upstream in Ironwood Avenue will be constructed. The City applied for and received an SB1 TCEP grant for interchange construction. Expansion of the current facilities will be needed due to the traffic demand resulting from development in the area.
  • SR-60 / World Logistics Center Parkway Interchange
    The purpose of this project is to alleviate future traffic congestion at the SR-60 / World Logistics Center (WLC) Parkway interchange during peak hours to improve traffic flow along the freeway and through the interchange, to improve safety by upgrading the geometry at the current interchange, and to provide standard vertical clearance for the WLC Parkway Overcrossing. The first phase of this project consists of Caltrans-required preliminary engineering and environmental clearance. This project has Federal Aid Funds, local funds, and Developer Impact Fees.
  • Sunnymead – Flaming Arrow Drive Storm Drain (Line M-11 Extension)
    The purpose of this project is to alleviate future traffic congestion at the SR-60 / World Logistics Center (WLC) Parkway interchange during peak hours to improve traffic flow along the freeway and through the interchange, to improve safety by upgrading the geometry at the current interchange, and to provide standard vertical clearance for the WLC Parkway Overcrossing. The first phase of this project consists of Caltrans-required preliminary engineering and environmental clearance. This project has Federal Aid Funds, local funds, and Developer Impact Fees.
  • Sunnymead Master Drainage Plan – Storm Drain Line F and Line F-7
    This proposed Sunnymead Master Drainage Plan (MDP) Line F and Line F-7 project includes approximately 3,400 feet of pipe starting from the intersection of Hemlock Avenue and Graham Street, going west along Hemlock Avenue to mid-block between Graham Street and Pigeon Pass Road, then going south past State Route 60 and Sunnymead Boulevard to approximately 700 feet south of Sunnymead Boulevard. The storm drain system includes various storm drain pipe sizes, several basins, and miscellaneous appurtenances. The purpose of the storm drain is to mitigate flooding that occurs in various locations in Sunnymead MDP including Hemlock Avenue and Graham Street Intersection, south of Hemlock Avenue at Segoria Apartments at Towngate, and along Sunnymead Boulevard east of Frederick Street.
  • Sunnymead Master Drainage Plan Line B-16A
    This project will install Storm Drain Line B-16A in Kitching Street from Ironwood Avenue to Kalmia Avenue. It is estimated that approximately 2,900 lineal feet of 24 inch to 36 inch diameter pipe will be installed. This project will assist in eliminating flooding along Kitching Street and surrounding areas.