City Directory

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In case of an emergency, dial 911.

Got a question? Need some answers? This is the place where you can see an alphabetized list of topics - and the phone number to call for answers.

The area code for all numbers on this page is 951 unless stated otherwise.


Click on Topic or Phone Number to sort the table.

Topic Phone number
ADA 413.3115
Animal Services 413.3790
Building Inspection Services 413.3350
Building Permit Processing 413.3380
Business License 413.3080
Business Support and Neighborhood Programs 413.3450
Capital Projects 413.3130
City Attorney 413.3036
City Clerk 413.3001
City Council Office 413.3008
City Manager 413.3020
Code & Neighborhood Services 413.3340
Conference & Recreation Center 413.3280
Economic Development 413.3460
Electric Utility (Customer Service)
- Electric Utility Administration
- Electric Utility Emergencies after hours
Emergency Operations & Volunteer Services 413.3800
Employment Resource Center 413.3920
Facilities 413.3740
Finance Administration 413.3021
Fire Department
    Fire Prevention 413.3370
    Fire Emergency Management
General City information 413.3000
TDD (Hearing Impaired) 
Graffiti Hotline 413.3171
Human Resources 413.3045
Land Development 413.3120
Library 413.3880
Media 413.3053
Parks Maintenance 413.3702
Parks and Community Services 413.3280
Planning 413.3206
Police Department Main Number 486.6700
    Police Patrol 486.6700
    Police Records 486.6700
   Police Administration 486.6700
    Police Detectives 486.6800
    Police DARE 486.6800
    Police Gangs/Narcotics 486.6800
    Police Traffic 486.6900
    Police Problem Oriented Policing 486.6921
    Police Youth Court 486.6721
Public Works Administration 413.3100
Public Works Maintenance & Operations 413.3160
Purchasing 413.3190
Senior Community Center 413.3430
Shopping Cart Retrieval Hotline 413.3330
Special Districts 413.3480
Street Maintenance 413.3160
TownGate Community Center 413.3729
Transportation 413.3140
Weed Abatement 413.3340