Mayor's Corner

Mayor’s Weekly Message – March 5

Public safety remains a top priority of mine.

As we mourn the senseless loss of children and educators in Parkland, Fla. we are making preparations to protect our City family.

Our Police Department will be training City employees how to react if faced with an active shooter situation. Hopefully this is a training that our employees will never need. But they will be prepared - just in case. 

That preparation is being echoed by our school districts in the hopes of keeping our students and those who have dedicated themselves to educating our children safe.

We are also continuing to protect our public safety personnel and equipment. As your Mayor I supported expanding our Citywide Camera system to include installing cameras at all seven of our fire stations.

These cameras will keep a watchful eye on our fire stations while our firefighters are fighting fires, treating car accident victims and responding to 911 calls. The Citywide Camera system has already proven effective - serving as extra eyes to help our officers solve crimes and prevent countless others.

Public safety is a priority in the City of Moreno Valley - and we will continue to provide the quality services our residents expect and deserve in a cost-efficient manner.